
Where tranquility begins...

Where tranquility begins...

Where tranquility begins...

Where tranquility begins...

Where tranquility begins...


KőkapuHunting Mansion and Hotel & Apartments

Guaranteed Wi-Fi and mobile-free environment

In harmony with the Jaegercastle, placed highly on the crag can be found the Hotel Kőkapu, it has 23 rooms equipped with all of the weekdays convenience and waiting for all of those who want to escape from the city’s noise,and to have romantic forest walks.

The rooms’ rich equipment and elegant design, supplemented with the wild & romantic forests unique beauty creates the perfect relaxation and the everyday stress channelling conditions. In our Hotel rooms an extra bed, child’s bed as well is for the use, making optimal conditions for our family guests, and they have many activities thanks for the Zemplén’s hereabout.

Zemplén is waiting for you!

Take a look at our movie!

    Relaxáciaa programy v Kőkapu

    Kúpeľný dom

    Wellness zážitky na dvore kaštieľa

    Vonkajšie programy

    Náš relax v Kőkapu bude dokonalý, ak počas neho objavíme aj okolie.


    Kőkapu - Where tranquility begins...


    Restaurant Háromforrás - Čaro lesných chutí

    Bowling a biliard

    Večerný koktail zážitkov